Our impact report
We have published our South London Listens Year One (2021/22) impact report.
The impact report sets out the the significant progress that has been made by all partners in delivering on the pledges that we made to our communities, as outlined at our Accountability Assembly on 10 October, World Mental Health Day 2022.
Delivering against our action plan
South London Listens is a unique partnership programme that is built on the contributions of over 6,000 people across south London to help prevent a mental ill-health crisis as a direct result of Covid-19. In November 2021, we launched our SLL Action Plan setting out our shared commitment to address the most significant challenges facing local communities.
Over the past year we have been delivering against our action plan co-produced with support from statutory, voluntary and community organisations. We are hugely proud of our dedicated partners who have helped to create a new blueprint for working together to build community resilience and improve mental health across south London.
Moving in to 2023
As we move into year two, in 2023, we have an opportunity to continue to deliver against the commitments we’ve made. This means truly embedding and growing our Be Well programme across all boroughs, rolling out our Community Embedded Worker and parenting pilots and launching our CAMHS virtual waiting room. It also means taking action together to tackle the cost of living crisis. Alongside this, we will continue to support and champion local work across our four priority areas - including work to promote safe surgeries in south London.
Evaluation and reporting
The work of South London Listens will be underpinned by a new evaluation and reporting framework developed in Spring 2023, with our partners at the Centre for Society and Mental Health, alongside our lead expert advisor, Professor Derek Bolton. Progress will be regularly monitored by the community through our Taskforce, an advisory board and at our Accountability Assembly In 2023. We will publish a full evaluation and impact report at the end of our two-year action plan In December 2023.
Responding to challenges
Emerging from the pandemic, South London Listens is being asked to respond to many other challenges facing our communities. These remain exceptionally challenging times in our NHS and across our communities. And the cost-of living crisis is adding further strain on the health and wellbeing of south Londoners.
But we can tackle these challenges together. Together we can build a long-term approach to meet new and ongoing challenges and create a blueprint for mental health prevention with communities at the heart.