Our achievements so far
Discover some of our most significant achievements since the launch of South London Listens in 2020.
Between June 2020 and June 2021 we hosted a series of virtual community summits attended by hundreds of people
We ran a major listening campaign from November 2020 - February 2021 and a second campaign in summer 2023.
We have listened to over 10,000 people since 2020 and trained 920 leaders in community organising
5,000 people have attended 7 Community summits we have held
We established our Taskforce and have further developed local borough based partnerships to oversee the delivery against over 30 pledges made to our communities
Over 60 organisations and hundreds of community leaders are involved in our Be Well programme – and our evaluation has shown that they’re engaging with thousands of people regularly to take action on mental health.
We launched our CAMHS virtual waiting room, developed in partnership with communities through MyHealthE by our amazing colleagues at the CAMHS digital lab. This has been rolled out across Croydon, Lambeth, Lewisham, and Southwark
Local news websites South London Press and Southwark News have written about our campaign to improve the experience of young people and their families on the waitlist for mental health services in south London
Since 2021, we’ve been championing the importance of good work and fair wages on mental health. We’re delighted that amazing progress has been made across south London – with seven NHS trusts now Living Wage accredit.
Since Nov 21, we've seen a 100% increase in surgeries signed up to the Safe Surgeries initiative– with a total of 240 now registered. But importantly, this year we secured new commitments from SWL and SEL ICB to improve implementation of the programme - with 80 practices signing up to new training held in May 2023.
Our three Community Embedded Workers in Lambeth, Lewisham, and Southwark, have worked within five community organisations through 2023 to pilot an innovative way of increasing access to mental health help for refugee, migrant, and diaspora communities.
We have been shortlisted for two awards
Watch this video to find out about some of our recent achievements
Achievements against our priorities:
Priority One: Loneliness, social isolation and digital inclusion
In January 2020 we launched our Be Well Champions training programme
Since the start, 369 people have signed up to become Be Well Champions across 54 hubs
26 people also completed their Be Well training in Spanish to make sure that good mental health support is not limited by language barriers
Priority Two: Work and wages
With the help of Living Wage Foundation, South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation has accredited as a Living Wage Employer.
We're supporting South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust and Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust to follow the steps to accreditation.
During Living Wage Week, in November 2023, South London and Maudsley Chief Executive David Bradley spoke at a Living Wage Foundation panel about our Living Wage accreditation campaign
Priority Three: Children, young people and parental mental health
We have developed an outline of what a Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) virtual waiting room will look like and kicked off the scoping phase
In partnership with Palace for Life Foundation, we have begun a pilot of the Advantage Programme
With Empowering Parents Empowering Communities (EPEC) and Parents and Communities Together (PACT) we have launched new pilot parent peer support programmes
We are preparing to pilot Fantastic FRED in primary schools across south east London
Priority Four: Access to mental health services for migrants, refugees and diaspora communities
We have secured funding to recruit a community embedded worker to be based in migrant organisations in Lewisham, Lambeth and Southwark
Working with students from King’s College London we have begun work to promote the Safer Surgeries scheme across south London