Money and Pensions Service (MaPS)
Financial insecurity, low wages, rising costs, income loss and unemployment all cause stress and anxiety that can undermine our mental health. Help and support around work and wages was a clear priority for our communities. As part of our commitment to this priority we are working to create more accredited Living Wage employers across the health sector. We want to go further and support our communities and our staff manage their money. The cost of living crisis, and its impact on those on low incomes, has only made this even more important. MaPS’ mission to improve people’s financial wellbeing is a perfect fit with our strategic focus. We are excited to work together to leverage MaPS’ expertise, guidance, advice and resources to support our staff and communities across south London.
We have identified six areas where we will work together to bring MaPS resources and information to our staff and our communities.
The six areas are:
1. Money Helper workshops
2. Money Guider’s eLearning programme
3. Quarterly learning broadcasts
4. Raise awareness of Breathing Space
5. Financial wellbeing pledge
6. Support for minoritised ethnic communities